Shingles Vaccine Eligibility

Shingles can be very painful and is more common among older people. The older you are, the worse it can be. People who have a severely weakened immune system are also at higher risk of getting shingles and experiencing further complications from it.

Getting the vaccine will:

  • Reduce the risk of developing shingles by over 70%
  • Reduce the risk of experiencing long-term pain from shingles.
  • Reduce the risk of you being hospitalised with complications from shingles.

You are eligible for the free shingles vaccine if, on 1st September 2023 onwards, you were aged 65 years old. If you turned 65 years old prior to 1st September, you will become eligible once you turn 70 years old. Anyone aged between 66 – 69 years will become eligible at 70.

You are also eligible to receive the vaccine if:

  • You are aged 71 – 79 years old (and not previously had the vaccine)
  • Had a severely weakened immune system and are aged 50 or over
  • Are about to start immunosuppressive therapy and are aged 50 or over

You will receive an invitation from us once you become eligible.

Please ring reception on 01332 552461 to book your shingles vaccine only once you have received an invitation to book.