Patient Participation Group

As a registered patient your opinions count and the Park Lane Surgery Patient Participation Group provides an opportunity for you to have your say.

Our objectives are:

  • To offer a confidential non-clinical communication link between patients and the practice
  • Provide an independent but collective patient perspective on the services provided by the surgery now and in the future
  • Contribute to the processes of safety and improvement within the practice
  • Give practical support to the practice team and with patient led activities

Your active contribution is encouraged and if you are interested or would just like more information about Park Lane Surgery PPG, call the practice manager on 01332 552461 who will arrange for one of the PPG members to contact you or simply let you know the details of the next meeting which you are welcome to attend.

PPG Meeting Minutes

Patient Reference Group

We would like to know how we can improve our service to you and how you perceive our surgery and staff.

To help us with this, we are setting up a virtual patient representation group so that you can have your say. We will ask the members of this representative group some questions from time to time, such as what you think about our opening times or the quality of the care or service you received. We will contact you via email and keep our surveys succinct so it shouldn’t take too much of your time.

We aim to gather around a hundred patients from as broad a spectrum as possible to get a truly representative sample. We need young people, workers, retirees, people with long term conditions and people from non-British ethnic groups.

If you are happy for us to contact you occasionally by email complete the Patient Group Sign-up Form online.