Did Not Attend (DNA)

Here at Park Lane Surgery, we strive to offer as many face to face or telephone appointments to our patients as we can.

To do this, we need to have strict guidelines in place to fully utilise every available appointment.

This is why we have introduced our policy Did Not Attend (DNA) for our patients.

What does ‘Did not Attend mean?

DNA means Did Not Attend.

This is when a patient fails to attend their appointment without a valid reason, which results in a wasted appointment.

This can be extremely frustrating to the clinician, other staff, and other patients.

How can I cancel my appointment?

Just let us know.

We would preferable like at least 24 hours’ notice, but we know this is not always possible. By letting us know as soon as possible, the appointment can be offered to another patient.

You can cancel your appointment by:

What will happen if I forget to cancel, or miss an appointment?

Every missed appointment, you will receive a text message to inform you that an appointment has been missed. People without mobiles phones will receive a letter.

If you miss 3 appointments within a 6-month period, you will receive a warning letter.

If you then DNA a further appointment within a 3-month period, you will be deducted from our practice.

It should be noted that, whilst it is unacceptable to DNA appointments, there may be extenuating circumstances as to why a patient has failed to attend their appointment.